Heal your nervous system
& rewire your neurobiology


This course will give you a life-changing understanding of how to restore regulation, cultivate calm and increase resilience.

Next cohort: March 7th - April 11th 2025

The October ‘24 cohort has now sold out

Why I created this course

Battling years of chronic illness led me on a journey of exploring all types of healing modalities. It wasn’t until I discovered the field of mind-body disorders and came to an understanding that emotional dysregulation was the cause of my physical dis-ease that symptoms began to ease.

This course is a culmination of everything I have learnt over the last decade of exploring physical and emotional health through a nervous system lens. Really, it’s everything I wish I had known when I first developed chronic health issues over a decade ago. If I had known this stuff back then, damn the last ten years would have been a lot more easy.

Is this course for you?

I expect the people who are most willing to commit to this course will fall into one of three categories:

  • Chronic Healers who are on a healing journey and need support with their health (physical and/or emotional) through a nervous system lens.

  • ‍Clinical Practitioners who are curious to learn more about the neuroscience of stress and add tools to their toolkit.

  • Somanauts who are fascinated with all things mind and body and are forever exploring different psychological technologies.

What you will learn

( 01 ) Restore a felt sense of safety back into your body and gain access to higher brain structures that enable you to be creative and generative.

( 02 ) Rewire maladaptive stress responses and old patterns of fight, flight, freeze using research-backed protocols for restoring ventral regulation.

( 03 ) Explore how to surf challenging emotions and work with the edges of your window of tolerance.

( 04 ) Increase your psychobiological capacity so to handle greater complexity and challenge with growing ease.

( 05 ) Design your environments so that the spaces that you spend time are conducive to your desired nervous system state.

The Nervous System Healing Curriculum

    • Understand your neurobiology: a theoretical exploration of the autonomic nervous system through the lens of polyvagal theory. 

    • Types of trauma: both “shock” and “complex” trauma can injure the autonomic nervous system’s normal regulatory rhythm of expansion and contraction. 

    • Window of capacity & allostasis: when you have access to a healthy window of capacity, you benefit from a self-correcting system that can respond to experiences and come to rest again.

    • Healthy development: your baseline capacity for nervous system health was formed in childhood, but it can be improved like strengthening a muscle.

    • Mapping your state: exploring how different branches of your nervous system feel at any given moment.

    • Safety & stabilisation: restore a felt sense of safety back into your body - the first step towards nervous system health.

    • Down-regulate sympathetic hyperarousal: learn intentional down-regulation strategies to cultivate calm.

    • Thaw-out dorsal shutdown: learn how to safely bring energy back into your nervous system when you are shutdown and collapsed.

    • Top-down vs. bottom-up: explore when to use psychological vs physiological levels to left your state.

    • Breathe with James: free access to James' app means you can down-regulate your nervous system whenever you need.

    • What’s wrong attention: prolonged stress or trauma causes that subcortical structures of your brain to become overly sensitive to any source of potential danger or threat.

    • The predicting brain: when you know how the brain works, you know what to do that helps.

    • Orientation = stabilising information: feel your brain stem with stabilising information by feeding it with the signs of here and now.

    • Heal through pleasure: when you learn pleasure is not the destination but the journey, you will establish oases of organisation in your nervous system.

    • Challenging emotions: learn how to surf uncomfortable emotions and increase your window of capacity.

    • Stop trying to "release" your trauma: containing emotions leads to much more transformative results.

    • Build interoceptive capacity: contemporary neuroscience shows that your sense of yourself is anchored in vital connection with your body.

    • Define your limits and boundaries: developing the ability to “yes”, “no”, “I want” and “I need” is an integral part of nervous system health.

    • Co-regulation: your nervous system is a social structure that finds balance and organisation through relationship with others.

    • NS interior design: redesign your environments so that the spaces you spend time in become more conducive to your desired nervous system state.

    • Follow nature’s cycles: your nervous system is built to resonate with set points derived from the natural world.

    • Create your sleep sanctuary: if you want to sleep well you have to create the conditions that enable good sleep to arise.

    • App: Free access to the Breathe With James app throughout the course.

    • Bookshelf: curated reading & literature for those wishing to dive deeper and broaden their knowledge.

    • One-One Practitioners: curated list of practitioners who have nervous system health as a central tenet of their work.

So, how does the course take shape?

  • In Depth Theoretical Explanations

The course is combination of pre-recorded content and live sessions. Each week, you will have a suite of theoretical content to engage with in your own time.

  • Guided Protocols & Exercises

The intention of the course is to give you an embodied understanding of breathwork so there are guided protocols
& exercises throughout. All of the protocols and exercises are completely safe and backed by quality peer-reviewed research.

  • Weekly Live Sessions

Live zoom sessions with James will consist of a combination of them teaching, interactive exercises and time for a Q&A on the material covered that week.

  • Masterclass Sessions with Guest Teachers

I have carefully selected a few wonderful teachers to expand your understanding of nervous system health. They are Marrissa Correia, Alex Manos and Lacey Dodd. They will run masterclass sessions on their relevant topic of speciality.

  • Supportive Community

The course has been designed to be as interactive as possible. You are invited to connect, share and support each other on your joint venture of moving towards greater regulation.

Meet the guest teachers

Marissa Correia
— Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

I have followed Marissa’s work for years. She is going to be speaking on the importance of growing one’s capacity for pleasure.

Alex Manos
— Functional Medicine Practitioner

One of the leading Functional Medicine Practitioners in the UK, Alex will be speaking on the intersection between Functional Medicine & nervous system health.

Lacy Dodd
— Organic Intelligence Practitioner

Lacey works at the alchemical intersections of spirituality, somatics, science, and soul. She is going to be speaking on post trauma growth.

Course Logistics

  • 30-45 minutes per week for core content + protocols + exercises via pre-recorded audio to engage with in your own time.

    60 minute live Zooms sessions will be held on Fridays at 6pm GMT (attendance is encouraged, but optional and all calls are recorded).

    x3 60 minute live Masterclass sessions held on Wednesdays at 6pm GMT (attendance is encouraged, but optional and all calls are recorded).

  • The cost to enroll is £397 - there are a variety of payment plans.

  • There are ten seats available for a Nervous System Healing deep dive that includes two 60 minute 1:1 coaching sessions and unlimited voice-memo access to James throughout the course.

    Cost: £999 (including price of course)

Free access to my app,
Breathe With James

Throughout the course you will be given free access to my app, Breathe With James. This will enable you to explore how your breath shapes your nervous system and specifically your autonomic arousal levels. You are invited to use these resource to down-regulate your nervous system, cultivate calm and improve sleep quality.

There is also a ‘Learn’ section where you further geek out on all things breathwork and nervous system science too.

Answering any questions
that you may have

  • You will have access to all of the lessons, protocols and live sessions for 1 month after the course ends.

    You will also be able to join any future cohort for half price.

  • Yes, if you decide that the course isn’t for you within the first week, then you can reach out to me and I’ll refund your payment.

  • Good idea! Lots of companies today will reimburse tuition for personal development and training that increases wellbeing and reduces the chances of burnout. You can use this proposal template to make the cause to your team for investing in this course.

  • The weekly live sessions with me will take place every Friday at 6pm GMT and although attendance is encouraged, all sessions are recorded and you will be able to catch up in your own time.