Working together, one-to-one

My one-to-one therapeutic work draws heavily on the different trainings, teachers and personal experiences that I have learnt from. In doing so, I offer a unique therapeutic space that combines psyche, soma and nervous system science too.

As much as I enjoy creating psycho-educational material for my breathwork app and various courses, over my time spent working with one-to-one with people, I have found it magical how seemingly simple conversations can shift aspects of our lives in deep and meaningful ways.

I tend to specialise working with people experiencing chronic health issues such as chronic fatigue and chronic pain, but also work within the field of complex trauma and those experiencing wider nervous system dysregulation too.

My one-to-one work is built
on three key principles

  • The first and central tenet of our work together is biological organisation.

    In simple terms, this means having a well organised nervous system that responds appropriately to its environment. This is will be our first step - to stabilise your nervous system in a way that supports both your physical and emotional. health.

  • My work is rooted in the belief that there is a spontaneous movement towards connection and health alive in all of us (at all times).

    No matter how withdrawn or isolated we have become, or how serious the trauma we have experienced, on the deepest level, just as a plant spontaneously moves towards the sun, there is in each of us an impulse moving toward connection and health.

  • All conventional paths lead halfway up the mountain, but to rise to the top, you must forge your own.

    I will walk with you, but not for you—next to you, but not ahead of you. My role is not to show you the path (I don’t know what yours is), rather, it is to support you in creating your own.

We’ll work top-down, bottom-up & outside-in

Most therapeutic and personal growth traditions tend to focus on either top-down or bottom-up aspects of the circular flow of information, working either from the brain to the body or from the body to the brain. I incorporate both a top-down and bottom-up approach, as well as outside-in.

  • Top-Down

Focus on cognition: How thoughts influence emotions and behaviours. Target distorted beliefs and maladaptive behaviours by creating more adaptive self-beliefs. This intervention relies on insight.

  • Bottom-Up

Focus on the body: How sensory experiences, bodily sensations, and physiological responses influence our emotional state. This is a nervous system lens - our aim is biological organisation.

  • Outside-In

Focuses on our environment: How external conditions are shaping the quality of our life. We’ll ensure the external conditions in your life are supporting both your physical and emotional health.

Book a free, no obligations, 20-minute discovery call

Email me to book discovery call