
  • Priya Kiri, Yogi

    I have followed James’ work for 5+ years. I have learned so much from him and have enjoyed watching his teachings evolve and grow. James’ approach is rooted in integrity, back up by comprehensive research and truly embodied too. If you are looking to learn more about the nervous system and how to safely increase your psychobiological capacity, I couldn’t recommend him highly enough.


  • Emma Thomson, Author + Illustrator

    When traditional therapies couldn't help me, Breathe With James was the one hand that caught hold of me drowning beneath the waves and I owe my life to the steady, gentle practice that enabled me to reach a place of safety and quietly begin to live again.


  • Mishael Aklekar, Financial Consultant

    In the past, I would dial Samaritans in the throes of anxiety, but now I turn to James’ breathwork to anchor myself. His sessions have been nothing short of transformative in my life.


  • Ness Guinn, Freelance Journalist

    Breathe with James is completely incredible and on another level - it is unlike any other experience. Within moments of hearing James’ voice, the journey begins - he takes me to a luxurious level of purest calm, safety and tranquillity - and every time too.


  • Andrea Jacobs, Operations Manager & Artist

    I can't find the words to describe the effect James' Breathwork sessions have had on me. I'm truly grateful for each and every session - his calming voice, easy to follow instructions, wonderful music, scientifically based explanations ... and more. Breathe with James has been and continues to be one of the key pieces in my continued recovery from ME/CFS. James has single-handedly taught me how to be present and aware of my body. But more importantly has shown me how to create safety in my body... teaching me how to rest and allowing my body to heal itself.


  • Rebekah Tiva, Relationship & Dating Coach

    Breathwork is such a seemingly simple, yet profound practice. I love how James structures and guides his sessions. Even though the sessions are online, I always feel held and taken care of. His voice, choice of words, music and what he says is always spot on. It’s easy to follow for beginners and they never get boring - his sessions really are life changing.


  • Billy Cullum, Singer/Songwriter

    I never knew about breathwork and it’s incredible benefits until I discovered Breathe With James three years ago. James’ work has transformed my life - my mental health and sleep has improved dramatically and breathwork will forever be a fundamental part of my daily life. Thank you, James.


  • Salma D., Poet

    I'm not exaggerating when I say Breathe with James has changed my life! I have never slept better and his sessions have been a gamechanger for my anxiety. I can't recommend James and his app highly enough.


  • Claudia Walker, Relationship & Sexuality Coach

    James made it easy to start my Breathwork journey because he’s more than just an easy-to-listen-to-instructor. He will not only guide you into regulating your nervous system using your breath, but also teach you the science behind it too (without it being boring). I have done breathwork with many, but always come back to James.


  • Anna Toogood, Actress

    Recently I have been experiencing deep emotional pain and once again I find myself coming back to James’ breathwork to regulate my nervous system, lean into my pain and find a way back to myself. James teaches me to flow with my body and soul, resist the need to control everything and continue to surrender to sensation and emotion. His breathwork reminds me my inner world is constantly changing and not to get too attached to any of it. Thank you, James.


  • Carly Jennings, Writer

    I’ve been practising breath work with James for a year or so now and find his warm teaching style really conducive towards both maintaining and enjoying this modality. His breathwork sessions are both gentle and powerful and have organically (and gracefully) become a daily staple for me as I navigate healing from chronic illness.


  • Maike Jordan, Hair & Makeup Artist

    I found James on Instagram when looking into ways to help me cope with my diagnosis of ME/CFS. Doing James’ breathwork sessions are the only time I can break out of the discomfort of my illness and I am practising his techniques on a daily basis - it is an absolute game changer for me. Forever grateful I found his work.


  • Lily Khin, Head of Creative Studio & Production

    I’ve been breathing with James for over a year now, and it’s been truly transformative. I stumbled upon James when I was looking for relief during a time of heightened anxiety caused by a back injury. I still remember how soothed I felt in mind and body after just a short five minute session with him! I highly recommend all of James’ offerings.


  • Chloe Westmore, Wellbeing Specialist

    Breathe With James is a family "end of day" ritual. We get snuggled up, dim the lights, and do a session together. My baby always falls asleep, and my older daughters take the time to wind down after a busy day. We all go to bed feeling so much calmer.


  • Charlotte Hart, Holistic Health Coach

    I came across Breathe With James when I was struggling with my Dad’s cancer diagnosis and subsequently his death. James’ sessions provided a calm and safe space for me to process my sadness, anger and sense of loss and has given me a feeling of safety that I look forward to experiencing every day. It has truly transformed my sense of well-being.


  • Tara Caws, Personal Assistant

    In one word, FANTASTIC!! James is an amazing teacher. James has helped to reduce my anxiety and I no longer get physical symptoms such as knots in my stomach and palpitations. I feel like have been given a big warm hug after each session.


  • Markus Schneider, Yoga Teacher & Photographer

    Breathe With James has elevated the quality of my life to a whole new level. I use James’ live sessions to connect and breathe with friends around the world - it is one of the deepest and most profound experiences I have had.


  • Diana Hitchin, Environmental Scientist

    I've been practising breathwork guided by James for about 3 months now, and I have felt the incremental shifts in my nervous system regulation. I deeply appreciate the authenticity of his work, which stays true to the science of polyvagal theory. The sessions are slowly paced, minimally guided, and blend in somatic awareness, which I and my nervous system love. I truly crave this practice, and would highly recommend it to anyone experiencing nervous system dysregulation who is interested in breathwork. I've tried several other apps, and this is the one.”


  • Juliette Worthington-Leese, Paediatric Nurse

    “Having struggled with chronic stress for many years and recently entering motherhood left me in a state of constant fight or flight. I have tried all kinds of guided meditations but I have never been able to sit for longer than 5 mins other than with James. James’ sessions for a few weeks leave me feeling euphoric - for once I feel I am able to really embrace the practice and experience the benefits.”


  • Josh Morley-Fletcher, Yoga Teacher

    “I’ve been a subscriber to Breathe With James for 2+ years. The thing I value most is knowing that I have James’ nurturing and grounding sessions on hand 24/7 to maintain a sense of calm as I ride life’s waves. Longer, intentional breathwork sessions have become a perfect balance to my more dynamic yoga practice. And with James at the helm you’re set to adventure along a fruitful journey of self discovery.”


  • Johanna Alme, Mental Health Advocate

    James is my number one breathwork teacher. He has a safe and calming presence and his voice is soft too. I have been living with the effects of trauma since being a little girl. Breathe With James helps me to meet myself and feel safe in my body. I wish I could take James with me on all my travels - then I could feel safe at all times. I recommend James from my heart.


  • Josh Yaxley, Personal Trainer

    “When I first started incorporating breathwork into my daily routine, I was clueless, I didn’t have any idea what I was doing. Luckily I came across James - the way he explains breathwork and nervous system health has allowed me to grow and be with stressful situations in my life without being overwhelmed by them.”


  • Eva Dostalikova, Handcrafter

    “The Breathe With James app is life-changing - it helps me see my outer world much more clearly. I use it every day and feel so much calmer as a result of the breathwork practices.”


  • Olly Jacobs, Strategic Growth Manager at Octopus Investments

    James' session at Octopus has had a profound and lasting impact on me. I wasn't even aware there was a way to breathe correctly let alone the different ways that one can breathe so to alter their internal state. I now use the techniques James taught us daily to better centre and focus myself at work.


  • Archie Hewlett, Founder of Duke + Dexter

    D+D is a rapidly growing business with a relatively small team working in a very fast-paced atmosphere... As a result it can be very intense in the office, so having James come in on Wednesday mornings has become such a valuable and effective way of breaking up the week - giving the team a chance to reflect, alleviate stresses and truly unwind. James is an absolute master at breathwork and bringing a sense of calmness to what is a very exciting, but hectic workspace - we feel very fortunate to have him.


  • Guilia Calabrini, Finance Analyst at WeWork

    Every week, James helps me discover the incredible power of my breath. I am amazed about how only thirty minutes of conscious breathing positively impacts my entire day. With a mix of active and relaxed breathing, I always end up feeling more grounded, present and better able to focus at work. James’ breathwork sessions are truly exceptional and I could not think of a better way to reset halfway through the day.


  • Richard Johnstone, Managing Partner VML London

    Thanks to James, VML London is now a business that can breathe. James’ sessions gave our teams tips on how to use breathing techniques to manage how they cope with the fast paced and demanding working environment of an advertising agency. Initially the staff were sceptical, with only a handful of people joining his first session, but by session two we did not have a room big enough available! The staff at VML are converts and I would highly recommend a session with James


  • Georgie Horn, Senior Research Analyst, Egon Zehnder

    I could not recommend James highly enough. Sessions with him are one of the most powerful tools that I have come across. I have found James sessions incredibly energising learning to just be present and create more awareness in the body and mind. With practice, daily tasks and my stream of thinking has become interspersed with more clarity and calm. The uptake of online sessions with James at Egon Zehnder has been excellent and has been a welcome addition to our busy daily workplace.


  • Rick Haskins, President, Streaming & Chief Branding Officer, The CW

    James and Jamie the co-creators and hosts for Breathwork Mastery nailed it. I had a really difficult time culling through all the different courses in breathwork. Many felt cultish. Others were too narrow in scope. Breathwork Mastery opened my eyes to both the scientific and spiritual sides of breathwork - in equal measure. The curriculum was well paced with video and oral presentations. Great guest speakers. Plus both James and Jamie were truly experts in their craft. I am so happy I took this course and well on my way to making what I learned part of my everyday life.


  • Erin Dusek, Pro Dancer + Yoga Teacher

    I felt excited for the calls each week to receive the wealth of knowledge James and Jamie have in this field along with their guest teachers, and also felt highly motivated to complete the weekly on demand content. We tapped into so many different areas of learning within the field of breathwork and not only has it given me extended knowledge to pass on to my students but also has taught me a lot about myself and my own health and what I need going forward. I was genuinely sad when the 5 weeks were over!


  • Maria Di Michelle, Breathworker

    I thoroughly enjoyed James and Jamie’s connection. They have an approachable style that is suitable for everyone. I felt very at ease and the content was both super informative, but also easy to understand. I really enjoyed what I learnt and will continue their practices and exercises. Thanks guys!


  • Frazer Howitt, Senior Insight Manager

    A fantastic course that gives you a great understanding of the breathwork landscape as a whole. It’s opened my eyes to so much and helped me decide where I would like to delve further into the breathwork space. I was also impressed about how much it taught me about my behaviours in general (breathwork aside) and the impacts these have on my nervous system. I’m so grateful for this as it feels I now have a much better understanding of myself and how I can make more conscious decisions going forward.


  • Miranda Machado, Sinologist & Bodyworker

    Breathwork Mastery has been intellectually stimulating, emotionally enriching, and spiritually expanding. This five-week course is a wonderful overview of breathwork practices and of the breathwork industry (heretofore a maze to many!), led by two extraordinary and dogma-free breathwork masters, along with three stellar guest experts, who together address core principles and nuances of breath and the nervous system, sports performance and altered states. The course content is supporting my self-inquiry as well as my career. James and Jamie give generous and specific guidance and honest answers to a plethora of questions from breathers of diverse backgrounds, interests and needs. I appreciate how their knowledge and styles complement each other, and how they do not always agree. I consider them both gurus in this space and will continue to seek their tutelage.


  • Barbara Mayr, Body Architect

    I have worked as a Body Architect in the movement field for more than 25 years and I consider the breath to be one of the main pillars to efficient body work: on a mental, physical and spiritual level. Breathwork Mastery has been great as it provided fundamental knowledge and information about some popular breathing techniques. For my work it made clear that I´m absolutely right to adjust and vary the different breathing techniques to the clients needs even if they come for a certain breathing technique ;) Thank you James & Jamie for this outstanding course! I hope to be back :)


  • Anina Schmid, Nature & Movement Lover

    If you're looking for a nuanced, nervous system-based “overview”(muuuch more content than just an overview :)) of the beathwork world, James and Jamie have you covered. I found it a really great course both theoretically and practically, all very clear and done with a lot of passion. The two of them are great mentors and will answer any questions you may have, resulting in exciting conversations in a great group. I loved this week and can highly recommend it!


  • Sophie Macdonald, Ex-Athlete & Fitness Enthusiast

    What an incredible insight into the world of breathwork!. It literally turned everything I thought breathwork was about on its head. I loved every second of it and really feel that Breathwork Mastery has been my first step into helping me heal and recover. It was also wonderful to be connected with so many like minded individuals. Words can’t express my gratitude - I hope this will be the first of many life changing cohorts! cription goes here.


  • Evangeline Di Michelle, Breathworker

    Breathwork mastery is exceptional ! The content has massively empowered me in my work with clients. I understand my nervous system on a deeper level now. The course has been transformational beyond words. Deepest gratitude, James & Jamie.
