My personal health journey

My work has always been a reflection of my own healing - the stressful and traumatic experiences that I’ve endured, my own journey of recovery, and the observations and insights that I’ve gleaned along the way.

In my late teens and throughout my 20s, I suffered from a range of chronic health issues that most commonly manifested in the form of chronic pain and chronic fatigue.

A number of things in my childhood and adolescence including being sent to boarding school very young, having an eating disorder throughout my teenage years and a traumatic incident being arrested with class-a drugs led to me being very emotionally dysregulated, and (I now believe) catalysed the development of dis-ease in my body. 

Soon after my 18th birthday, I had consistent symptoms of headaches, brain fog, achy limbs and fatigue that at times left me all but bed-bound. I also developed chronic pain which started in my gastrointestinal area before migrating into my back and then into my knees too.

These symptoms were pretty consistent for a few years until I saw a Physiotherapist who specialised in pain management. He was the first person who explained to me the relationship between the mind and the body and how different emotional states not only impact our physical health, but also determine how and why we  feel and perceive pain too. Instead of medication, he prescribed meditation and mindfulness and encouraged me to notice if there was any shift in my symptoms as a result of modulating my emotional state. It didn’t alleviate all of my health symptoms, but after a few months, all of the chronic pain went and hasn’t returned since. 

This led me on a journey of exploring meditation and mind-based practices more deeply - including spending time on meditation retreats around the UK, spending time at a Buddhist Monastery in the South of France and doing a Foundation in Psychotherapy and Counselling. A couple of years into this exploration, I discovered the power of breathwork. I couldn’t believe that something as simple as the breath could have such a powerful and transformative effect upon the state of my mind and body.

Most people listening to this will probably know me as Breathe With James ~ despite still struggling with health issues, I went on to train as a Breathwork Practitioner, initially training in a style of breathwork called Conscious Connected Breathing (CCB) which focuses on using one’s breath to “process and clear” emotional charge or what we might label as trauma from the body. I taught this style of breathwork for a couple of years ~ and was incredibly successful doing so ~ sometimes guiding upwards of 400+ people through CCB sessions online. 

But I soon became disillusioned with the practice…I had initially been attracted to CCB on the premise that it was a quick fix to resolve my underlying emotional discomfort and ongoing health issues ~ I liked the idea of attending a few workshops, going on a retreat and being able to resolve all of my “stuff” in a few cathartic experiences. In hindsight, I have come to understand how naive this was.

The disillusionment was primarily triggered by an evolving understanding of nervous system health and the complexities and nuances behind moving into a more organised nervous system state.

Discovering the world of the nervous system was a light bulb moment for me ~ when I saw how many of my symptoms over the years had been a result of a dysregulated nervous system, I devoured every book, podcast and article I could find on nervous system health.

This culminated in two things:

  • Firstly, pivoting my breathwork business and launching my own breathwork app with a suite of guided sessions oriented around nervous system down-regulation. 

  • Secondly, formalising my study of nervous system health through completing a year long training in Organic Intelligence, created by Steve Hoskinson.

Fortunately, over the last couple of years my physical health has massively improved and I am in a very good place emotionally too. 

The latest adventure on my journey has been learning about Jungian Psychology and seeing a Jungian Analyst every week. 

Bringing psyche (soul) into my understanding of health has had a profound impact on me and led me to big changes in my life. 

So much so that next month I will be beginning a Masters in Jungian & Post Jungian Studies at the University of Essex. The intention of which is to weave a depth-oriented understanding of psychology into nervous system health and Somatic Psychotherapy (I’m doing a training in Somatic Experiencing too).

I hope you will join me on this unfolding path…

Professional Membership Body:
The United States Association of Body Psychotherapy (USABP)

Training & Certifications

Master’s (MA) in Jungian & Post-Jungian Studies

University of Essex, Sept ‘24 - Present

Jungian Somatics: Movement for Trauma with Jane Clapp

Online, Sept 24 - Present

NARM Basics Training

Online, Sept ‘24  - Present

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner Training

London, May ‘23  - Present

Organic Intelligence
Coach Certification

Online, June ’23 - June ‘24

ITEC Anatomy & Physiology Level 3

Online, Sep ‘23

Oxygen Advantage Instructor Training

London, Feb ‘20

Breath Guru: Conscious Breath Facilitation
150 Hours of Facilitator Training

Lanzarote, March ‘19 - Sept. ‘19

Psychotherapy & Psychology Foundation Certificate

Regents University
London, Spring ’19

Further Education

First Class Honours in Politics & International Relations from Bristol University